Download Workbook
We wanted to make the workbook more accessible to all those attending camp, as well as to any others who would benefit from the study. The workbook can be downloaded in either Adobe Acrobat format or Word format.
2025 - Joseph “I seek my brethren”
Wordbook Help & Study Tips
Getting Help
Need help with the workbook? Stuck on a question, or don't know how to interpret it? Feel free to contact the workbook coordinators.
Study Tips
Frightened by the size of the workbook? Draft up a study schedule so that you complete your studies and the workbook on time! The sooner you start, the more time you have!
Although the size of the workbook may appear daunting, we believe that those who are seriously interested in attending and contributing at the Conference will make the study a priority and be able to complete it with no problems. In actuality, the workbook represents only a small amount of time to put towards the study of God's word.
In order to get you started, we've organized a list of study tips (send us your ideas!). Browse through them, print them off, modify them, post them beside your desk, and check to see if you are making the most of your studies.